Many, if not most, college scholarships are mainly designed to help students deal with the cost of tuition, not the cost of housing. Learn about how you can find housing scholarships for college.
There are countless scholarship programs available out there, but finding the right fit for you can tough. Learn some essential strategies for finding and applying for college scholarships.
The process might be a pain, but getting a college scholarship could mean a lot in the financial department. Find out the scholarship application process and scholarship pitfalls to avoid.
Submitting your filled-out FAFSA form by the given deadline(s) is crucial to accessing your financial aid. Find out the consequences of missing the deadline.
Dr Pepper's involvement with college football isn't just limited to Fansville. Learn how it helps increase access to higher education and provide scholarship money.
If you've won a scholarship to go to college, then congratulations. But remember, there are serious implications if you fail to maintain the terms of the scholarship and lose it.